Referenzen: Was unsere Kunden sagen
Wenn Sie mit unseren Dienstleistungen zufrieden sind und mit Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate das gefunden haben, was Sie suchen, Kontaktieren Sie uns und fügen Sie Ihre Referenzen in die Liste der Referenzen auf dieser Seite ein .
Ich, der Anwalt Rushdi Farid, fühlte mich durch die Leistung der Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate Marketing Company bei der Vermittlung für den Verkauf der Wohnung meines Mandanten geehrt. Ich war mit der hochwertigen und herausragenden Leistung der oben genannten Firma zufrieden wünsche ihm weiterhin viel Erfolg.
Rushdi Farid

Ich, Mark Robert Iliffe, habe eine Immobilie über Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate gekauft. Der Service war von Anfang bis Ende professionell, freundlich und sehr unkompliziert. Ich kann sie wärmstens empfehlen und werde sie in Zukunft wieder nutzen.

Meine Wohnung wurde heute über Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate verkauft und ich möchte Herrn Tarek und dem Arbeitsteam für ihre Bemühungen danken, den Verkaufsprozess so reibungslos zu gestalten.

Tarek und das Team von Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate haben unseren Verkauf reibungslos abgewickelt. Sie haben alles vor unserer Ankunft organisiert und der Verkauf lief innerhalb eines Tages problemlos über die Bühne. Ich kann sie nur weiterempfehlen.

Ich kann meine Freude daran, mit einem respektablen und professionellen Büro und Leuten wie Herrn Tarek El Saady, dem Eigentümer, und seiner Familie zu tun zu haben, nicht in Worte fassen.
Adham A Shaaban

Ich habe kürzlich eine Immobilie von Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate gekauft. Ich fand das Team so freundlich, dass ich sie alle mochte. Sie haben mir geholfen, die beste Immobilie zum besten Preis zu finden. Der Kaufprozess war bei ihnen so einfach und schnell und ich kann sie nur empfehlen Scharm El-Scheich-Immobilien an Sie alle.
Jo, Großbritannien
Clarissa Dawson besaß eine Wohnung in Riviera und verwaltete sie viele Jahre lang bei Anted on Sharm-el-Sheikh Real Estate. Sie haben die Wohnung für mich verkauft. Ich danke ihnen allen für ihre harte Arbeit. Die Zusammenarbeit war wunderbar! Sie behandeln mich wie einen Freund, der bei jedem Schritt des Tages klar kommuniziert. Es tut mir leid, dass ich sie verlassen habe. Ich würde Ihnen empfehlen, mit diesem offiziellen, vertrauenswürdigen Unternehmen Geschäfte zu machen.

Ich habe vor Kurzem eine Immobilie mit Sharm el Sheikh Real Estate verkauft.
Herr Abdel Aziz und Herr Tarek waren während des gesamten Verkaufsprozesses äußerst professionell und hilfsbereit. Ich kann sie nur wärmstens empfehlen.

Ich habe kürzlich eine Immobilie über Sharm el Sheikh Real Estate gekauft und war sehr zufrieden mit dem Service. Sie haben mich mit Professionalität und Effizienz durch jeden Schritt geführt und den gesamten Prozess so einfach und stressfrei gemacht. Ich kann sie von ganzem Herzen empfehlen.

Спасибо Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate за то, что нашли покупателя на мою квартиру. У меня было всего несколько часов, чтобы провести в Шарме, чтобы закончить продажу, прежде чем отправиться обратно. Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate учел мою ситуацию и сумел все закончить в отличное время. Спасибо, и я рекомендую общаться с вами всем, кто ищет успешную продажу своих подразделений в Шарме. Всего наилучшего

Sehr geehrter Tarek, Ihre Agenturleute haben zusammen mit Ihnen eine sehr gute Leistung beim Verkauf meiner Wohnung erbracht. Ich habe Ihre professionelle Arbeit gesehen. Schritt für Schritt. Jetzt kenne ich Sie von einem solchen Standpunkt aus gut die Arbeit gut gemacht.


I would like to show my sincere gratitude to Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate in this testimonial for their hard work during my purchase at the Moona Resort. I cannot praise Tarek enough for his total dedication, always finding time to accommodate me when I wanted to visit the development of which I did several times over the years. Each time I visited Sharm he collected me from my hotel and I was taken to the resort. I was shown around the property and introduced to the developer, who kept me informed on the progress of the work taking place. There was several delays with the handover, mainly due to the ‘Egyptian Revolution’ and the fact that the developer wanted to redesign the resort to make the layout better for the owners at no extra cost to us and during this time Tarek and Tereza kept me informed by e-mail on the progress by sending me photographs of the continuing work and this kept me reassured throughout.
The property has now been handed over and I am extremely happy with the work inside and outside of which is to a very high standard, the quality of the materials used such as tiles, doors and windows are just fantastic! Tarek assured me of the developer from day one by informing me of the other projects that they had completed, and I’m very glad I placed my faith in him.
I have now purchased the furniture package, again another recommendation by Tarek, who introduced me to the designer. We all spent time at the apartment and talked about what could be done in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living areas. I agreed with the designs and was told that everything would be complete in 6 weeks, which was surprisingly fast. I have since received photographs of the some of the work and it looks truly amazing, I am very impressed!

We found Tarek and all the office team very friendly, helpful and they genuinely wanted to cater for all our needs and budget we had set. We were picked up from our hotel and taken to view our choices of properties, Tarek even took us on a duty free shopping trip during this. We would definitely recommend the company to anybody seeking a professional and friendly real estate agent in Sharm El Sheikh.
What a great office team.
Finally, many thanks Tarek, Tereza and the rest of the team.
Lynn & Mel Walmsley, The View Resort, Nabq Bay, Sharm El Sheikh.

We brought our property in Sharm El Sheikh about 8 years ago and Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate guided us through the whole procedure faultlessly, and have since managed and let out our apartment. I have been been very impressed by them, even when things have gone wrong it has been dealt with quickly and professionally. I will not hesitate in using them again.

I had a very good experience with Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate and buying a property through them is easy and strait forward we highly recommend them.

It would be my pleasure if you would like to post this as a testimony although I have added a little more as I am really impressed with Mr Kafafy the developer too.
I had a great experience buying from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate and I always found their team professional, knowledgeable, personable and who nothing was too much trouble for. I bought off plan and Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate kept me updated about the progress of the development so I was very happy when I was informed that the apartment was completed ahead of schedule which quickly lead to a very smooth hand over from yourselves of the apartment that I adore. I chose to use the interior design company that you recommended and I was thrilled with the high quality, solid furniture that they produced. I love my apartment, The View and the way that the polite staff keep the gardens, the grounds and swimming pools immaculately presented, I love Nabq Bay and the way it progresses and changes every time I visit and of course I love the sunshine and charm in Sharm El Sheikh and being English the cost of living compared to home is very attractive too so all in all highly recommended.

I have bought three apartments from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate and I am really happy with my investment. I sold one of them and got a good profit. One of the two apartments I rented and the second one soon to be. The staff is professional and polite.
Thomas Egeland

We can only say that Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate has provided the best service possible and we nothing but gratitude and thanks for the team there.
Since our apartment was finished in the Sharm Bride complex they have constantly had it rented out for us generating income. We feel confident that this will carry on in the future.
Thanks to everybody for giving us piece of mind and a fantastic service.
Best Wishes
Tatiana & Qamar from Switzerland

I purchased my apartment off plan in 2006 through Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate . Without the support of all Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate Team all my nightmares would have come true. I would therefore would like to thank each and every person in the team for prompt replies to my queries and support via phone and emails till I did my handover.

I have bought 2 Top Floor Apartments at Sierra Resort from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate. Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate has been more than helpful. Any problems I have had he has been on top of it and solved the problem very quickly. I feel very comfortable to be envolved with Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate as I am completely confident that Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate has all my interests plus all his clients at heart. I would have no hesitation in recommending anyone should they wish to purchase property in beautiful Sharm El Sheikh from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate.

Wow! My apartment is rented again.
Having purchased my beautiful apartment in Sierra Resort at Nabq Bay I was a little over protective, like a new parent, at first. The prospect of renting to tenants seemed very daunting.
However the rental department at Sharm Real Estate Office reassured me that all would be well, that they would take care of everything and true to form, indeed they have.
A delight to do with business with. I leave it completely in their very capable hands. They maintain constant contact with me over ever procedure through friendly emails.
They draw up the contracts, choose great clients, make sure the property is cleaned upon their departure and of course deal efficiently with the money side of things.
I would reccommend their professional conduct without hesitation.
Through them I look forward to a rather prosperous year.
Many thanks to all.
Katie Siggers

I have had the privilege of knowing Sharon Holder since 2009. She is the property manager for Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate and she manages my rental property. I have a one bedroom flat at Sierra Resort and I have been so happy with all the preparations and arrangements Ms. Holder has made for me.
She goes above and beyond the call of duty and has an impeccable way of communicating with people from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. She also is an expert problem solver who takes immediate initiative to solve problems in an efficient, cost-effective and brilliant manner.
If it weren’t for Ms. Holder, I might not feel as comfortable as I do renting out my property from half way across the globe. But I have complete confidence and trust in her and Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate. As a result, I have peace of mind about owning property in the beautiful Sinai Desert, located in the most glorious country on Earth – Egypt!
Catherine Browning

To all the staff at Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate,
We have purchased a one bedroom apartment which was bought through Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate
the apartment has now been finished and fully furnished. The apartment has been rented out through
the rental department and we would like to comment on how professional the purchase and rental
was undertaken from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate.
We would have no hesitation in recommending their services to other prospective buyers in the Sharm
El Sheikh area.
Mark Lewis and Sharon Rees from sunny Wales.

"I had a good experience with Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate, and I would like to share it with you."
"During a summer holiday in Egypt 2005 I decided to purchase a property over here. Back in London I started to make enquiries and visited the Overseas Property Show where I made my first contact with Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate."
"In October 2005 I returned to Egypt for a short visit to view a possible location, the Sierra Resort in Nabq. Free accommodation was arranged for me and I was taken to see the Sierra project. I stood on what appeared to be a wasteland of rock and sand and was shown a spot where my apartments, with sea views, would be built. It took a lot of imagination! Back at the office the papers were prepared and I was told that my apartments would be completed in August 2007 (oh really!!!). Deposits were paid and I returned to London. Over the following months contracts arrived duly signed and I was kept fully updated by e mail, which included photographs, of the ongoing construction work."
"It is now June 2007 and I have just been taken to see the project again. The progress was astonishing, this time I stood on my roof terrace and enjoyed the spectacular view. Although not yet complete I am assured the apartments will be ready for handover in September 2007. Having now had dealings with Tarek and his team for over 18 months I am confident that this timescale will be reached."
"I am in the process of selling one of the apartments, this is being arranged by Tarek and his team, again I have every confidence in their professionalism and if all goes to plan I will make a small profit."
"Having been in contact with Tarek and his team over the last 18 months I now consider them to be friends not just business associates."

"Summer 2007 - cold wet and gloomy in England, with no sign of any sunshine on its way. Sharm El Sheikh jumped out at us from the glossy holiday brochures and in August 2007 we arrived in Sharm as the sun was setting over the mountains and the warm air enveloped us as we stepped off the plane. The beauty of the city impressed us immediately and we were thoroughly enjoying every aspect of our holiday, watching the sun rise over the sea, the sun setting behind the Sinai Mountains, camels wandering in the desert, the bright lights of Naama Bay."
"One day we got chatting to someone who had purchased a property in Sharm through Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate. We liked the sound of this and telephoned the office to arrange an orientation tour and were shown the site of Sierra Resort. Everything was explained to us in detail and we were given several options for layout and location of apartments. After some thought we made the decision to purchase a property before we returned to the UK. Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate handled everything efficiently for us, answered all our queries and gave us honest and frank opinions which we valued. They were always available by email, text message, or Skype, to answer our questions. Pictures of progress were posted on their website regularly and we watched the complex take shape.
Six months later, in February 2008, we returned to the Sierra Complex and to our delight our apartment was nearing completion, we had tiled floors, a proper bathroom and a front door! We met with Mr Tarek Sokkar, the developer, whose enthusiasm for the project was clear to see. Our dream was finally becoming a reality and in a little over six weeks time, we will have the keys to our apartment. When the days become dark and cold in England we will think of our sanctuary in Sharm El Sheikh and take comfort in the fact that we have our apartment to escape to. We have also made contact with other families who have purchased in Sharm, it is a growing community and I’m sure everyone feels as excited as we do in having their own piece of paradise in Sharm."
"Our thanks go to all of the staff who have assisted us from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate, your professionalism, honesty and reassurance have been so helpful to us."

"Dear Tarek",
"Back in 2005 we read an article in one of the weekend national UK papers stating that now was a good time to invest in Egypt's Red Riviera resorts, as it was a rising market and would be a good investment to get involved in and it was anticipated that the prices would continue to rise over the coming years."
"Having spent several holidays in various resorts in Egypt, enjoying superb weather and the friendliness of the Egyptian people we decided to embark on finding a suitable property to purchase. Tarek and his team at Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate came over as being a very suitable and reliable agency to deal with."
"Although at times our top floor apartment at the Sierra Resort seemed to be progressing rather slowly we were at all times kept informed of progress (either by us telephoning the Sharm office or by e-mail from them), and when we finally took possession of the apartment early June 2008 we found not only Tarek's team but also the developers teams on site only too keen to help out with any queries and any snags were quickly sorted out. "
"Now normally within 12 hours of leaving our UK home and arriving at the door of our second home at Sierra we can enjoy a little piece of all year round sunshine and Egyptian hospitality. Well done to Tarek and his team for all their help and advice. Best regards Andy & Lynn Snow. See you in the first week of September."

We are Belgian clients and proud owners of one bedroom apartment at Sierra Resort Nabq Bay in Sharm El Sheikh. We bought the apartment in September 2007 from Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate Company. On 23rd of June 2008, my family and I visited our apartment for handover accompanied by Mohamed El Sayed guiding us to handover and I have to say that the resort looks in real life much better than on the plans. From the beginning till the end we’ve been in touch and have had always help if needed from the whole team. That for we’re very thankful and appreciate all the work. We’re very happy that we’ve chosen Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate.
For any of my friends I’ll recommend your company to buy a property in Egypt.
Congratulations to you and your whole team.
Rudi & Enza

Myself and my wife were delighted to receive the keys to our apartment during our latest trip to Sharm in April. Whilst it has been a long wait the final results have been worth waiting for.
The views from our roof terrace are nothing short of spectacular. The build quality of the apartment has also exceeded our expectations.
Whilst the building completion date may have been delayed by some 18 months and sometimes tested our patience, we understand that a lot of the reasons for the delays were outside the control of the developer and estate agent.
Since we first met with Tarek at Sharm El Sheikh Real Estate some 4 years ago the support we have received from him and his team has been first class. They have always gone out of their way whenever we have requested their support.
John & Elaine White
Mr. & Mrs. White received keys to their apartment on 18 April 2009, the first handover at Oyoun Sharm Resort